Pair Object

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Pair Object

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Container for a pair of worksheets to compare.





Activates the pair object.





Returns or sets a semicolon delimited list of column indices used as primary key for database.

Returns or sets options for sorting or grouping database records.

Returns or sets the index for the row which contains the headers / field names.

Returns true if the pair is valid.

Returns the range object for the specified member of the pair.

Returns or sets an optional range address for the specified member of the pair.

Returns the number of differences found.

Returns the worksheet object for the specified member of the pair.

Returns the name of the worksheet for the specified member of the pair.

Returns the row/column linking options.




Specify a Range
Normally, the entire data range of the sheet is used, but you can limit the range by using the RangeAddr property.

Compare as Database
You can compare the sheets as databases if
· your data is organized in a tabular layout, with descriptive headers above each column.
· rows can be uniquely identified by a primary key.
You must set the primary key using the DBKeys property.
You can specify the starting row of the database with the DBRow property.
If you want the records sorted or the results grouped, use DBOptions .