CommandLine Utility

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CommandLine Utility

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With the Developer Edition of Synkronizer 11, it is also possible to compare Excel files via the command line commands. The Excel files can be compared fully automated with a single mouse click - without opening Excel!



How to use the CommandLine Utility?

synk.exe is a handy program which allows you to compare Excel files without opening Excel. You can enter all variables like file names, folders and comparison options in a single command. The program then generates different reports and log files with all differences. While executing, the program will start a hidden instance of Excel. After the comparison process the Excel instance will be closed again.

Which tasks does the CommandLine Utility support?

The following tasks are supported:

Compare two files
Compare a source file against a bundle of source files
Compare all Excel files (with equal file names) in two folders
Create a difference report
Create a log file which contains all differences
Format and filter options are supported



Which tasks are not supported by the CommandLine Utility?

The following tasks are not supported:

Source and target files cannot be saved
Differences cannot be highlighted
Differences cannot be outlined (shown/hidden)



The CommandLine Utility of Synkronizer is invoked as follows:

1.Start the Windows Explorer
2.Select the Synkronizer folder
c:\Program Files\Synkronizer\Synkronizer 11\
3.Double-click on synk.exe
4.The Sykronizer CommandLine Utility appears.





Start CommandLine Utility with a batch file or Windows shortcut

We recommend that you create a batch file or a Windows shortcut. In this way you can start the CommandLine Utility with a single mouse click.


Creating a batch file


Proceed as follows:


1.Start a text editor and create a new document.
2.Write the following code:
@echo off
"C:\Program Files\Synkronizer\Synkronizer 11\Synk.exe"
3.Save the file as synk.bat in a folder of preference



Creating a Windows shortcut


You can also create a Windows shortcut. Proceed as follows:


1.Right-click an open area on the desktop, point to New, and then click Shortcut.
2.Click Browse.
3.Locate synk.exe which is stored in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Synkronizer\Synkronizer 11\
click Open, and then click Next.
4.Type a name for the shortcut and click Finish button.
5.Right-click on the created shortcut.
6.Enter in the field "Start in" the folder, in which the Synkronizer files should be stored.
7.Click OK and close the shortcut